Fire breathing valve in the system play a safe protective role. When the system pressure exceeds the specified value, the safety valve opens, part of the system gas into the atmosphere, so that the system pressure does not exceed the allowable value, thereby ensuring that the system is not too high pressure due to accidents. One is to reach a certain pressure, call or suction. The other is designed to simply call not suction. Can be understood as the use of two appropriate pressure one-way valve instead. Fire breathing valve not only can maintain the tank air pressure balance, ensure tank in overpressure or vacuum damage, and can reduce the tank medium and loss. This type of valve in the pipeline should generally be installed horizontally.
将油罐顶呼吸阀①(如图示,下同)取下,然后将挡板 ②折叠从接合管③送入罐④内展平,而后将固定板盘置于接合管法兰的中心位置,把静电接地线⑤垫圈压在呼吸阀连接螺栓下方,然后将呼吸阀重新安装好即可。
1、呼吸阀挡板吊装于呼吸阀与油罐的接合管下方,以 减少大呼吸过程中油气外溢的损失。
2、订货时请指明名称、规格、图号。罐顶接合管实际 高度n.